12 de fevereiro de 2020

Castrating Kade

Guy thought he was hooking up with a regular dominatrix, until she pulled her knife and cut off his penis...

Watch the Video / Veja o Vídeo:

O homem pensou que ele ia estar com uma dominadora normal, até ela puxar da faca e cortar-lhe o pénis...

9 de fevereiro de 2020

She Castrates a Sexual Abuser of Minors in Brazil (2018)! In Portuguese

Castration scene filmed in Brazil in 2018.

The scene was based on the movie "Hard Candy" (2005) by director David Slade.

Bruna castrates Jorge (a sexual abuser of minors).

The actors in the video are Ana Vitória Bastos and André Lemos. The director of the video is Alexandre Machafer.

Watch the Video / Veja o Vídeo:

Portuguese Translation:

Cena de castração gravada no Brasil em 2018.

A cena foi baseada no filme "Hard Candy" (2005) do realizador David Slade.

Bruna castra Jorge (um abusador sexual de menores).

Os atores do vídeo são Ana Vitória Bastos e André Lemos. O realizador do vídeo é Alexandre Machafer.

7 de fevereiro de 2020

Real Cases. Thai Women Cut Off Unfaithful Husbands' Penises!

Boiled, tied to balloons, sent to animals or thrown into the garbage: these are some of the destinations that Thai women give to the penises of unfaithful husbands, after amputating them! The number of cases is so great that Thailand is the No. 1 country in surgery to repair male sexual organs.

Read the news published in the British daily newspaper The Guardian in 2012:

Why Thai Women Cut Off Their Husbands’ Penises

An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand led researchers to inquire into what was going on

About once per decade, the medical profession takes a careful look back at Thailand's plethora of penile amputations. The first great reckoning appeared in a 1983 issue of the American Journal of Surgery. Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam, by Kasian Bhanganada and four fellow physicians at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, introduces the subject: "It became fashionable in the decade after 1970 for the humiliated Thai wife to wait until her [philandering] husband fell asleep so that she could quickly sever his penis with a kitchen knife. A traditional Thai home is elevated on pilings and the windows are open to allow for ventilation. The area under the house is the home of the family pigs, chickens, and ducks. Thus, it is quite usual that an amputated penis is tossed out of an open window, where it may be captured by a duck."

The report explains, for readers in other countries: "The Thai saying, 'I better get home or the ducks will have something to eat,' is therefore a common joke and immediately understood at all levels of society".

The bulk of the paper reports how the doctors and their colleagues learned, over the course of attempting 18 reimplantations, how to improve the necessary surgical techniques. Unambiguous photographs supplement the text.

"Interestingly", the physicians remark at the very end, "none of our patients filed a criminal complaint against their attackers."

An article called Factors Associated with Penile Amputation in Thailand, published in 1998 in the journal NursingConnections, explores the reasons behind that. Gregory Bechtel and Cecilia Tiller, from the Medical College of Georgia (in Atlanta), gathered data from three couples who had been part of the epidemic. The couples, by then divorced, discussed their experience calmly. Bechtel and Tiller report that in each case, three things had happened during the week prior to dismemberment: (1) a financial crisis; (2) "ingestion of drugs or alcohol by the husband immediately prior to the event; and (3) public humiliation of the wife owing to the presence of a second 'wife' or concubine".

In 2008, the Journal of Urology carried a retrospective by Drs Genoa Ferguson and Steven Brandes of the Washington University in St Louis, called The Epidemic of Penile Amputation in Thailand in the 1970s. Ferguson and Brandes conclude that: "Women publicly encouraging and inciting other scorned women to commit this act worsened the epidemic. The vast majority of worldwide reports of penile replantation, to this day, are a result of what became a trendy form of retribution in a country in which fidelity is a strongly appreciated value."

Read the AFP (Agence France-Presse) news story of 2004:

Polygamy Blamed For Thai Penis-Hacking Craze

Bangkok - They have been boiled, fed to ducks, even attached to hot air balloons and cast into the night sky: when it comes to permanently depriving a cheating lover of a recently severed penis, the imagination of the wronged Thai woman knows few bounds.

Thailand has become the world centre of penis reattachment surgery, but then it has been forced to be. While not unique to the kingdom, penis severing has been honed to its most devastating effect through a heady mixture of routine infidelity, assertive womanhood and a national cuisine that lends itself to a kitchen full of sharp knives.

The men are now fearful of a rash of Thailand's most notorious crime of passion, according to the surgeon who has stitched back many a male member for grateful patients.

Sitting in his office at Bangkok's Paolo Memorial Hospital, surgeon Surasak Muangsombot recalled how he re-attached his first phallus in 1978 and soon discovered that penis hacking was a peculiarly Thai form of sexual violence.

Since then Sweden has had three cases, the United States two - including the notorious case of John Wayne Bobbitt who returned from reattachment surgery to star in pornographic films - and one in Australia.

In the same period, Surasak's team alone has operated on 33 cases and many more have been reported around Thailand.

"Some years there are three or five and then it goes quiet. It goes in and out of fashion but sometimes its like an epidemic," he said, mimicking with his nimble surgeon's hands the swoop of a blade on an unsuspecting member.

Doctors and psychologists blame the shocking attacks on a cultural mix of Thailand's tradition of polygamy, which was banned about 100 years ago but still persists, and the fact that the phallus is revered as a symbol of power and fertility.

The phenomenon has become so widespread that doctors have had to keep up with increasingly inventive and angry wives and lovers who want to prevent the offending item from being reattached.

"They boil them, feed them to ducks, flush them down the toilet, bury them and have even tied them to hot air balloons and let them float away," Surasak said.

He said his hardest case required bribing an angry wife to confess its location in a septic tank and the hiring of a wrecking crew to retrieve it.

"I asked the nurse to clean it up well and warned the patient that he may get septicemia and he said, "do your best and if it gets septicemia I will die with my penis."

"It was 15 hours between it being chopped off and reattached, which is much longer than the books say it can be done, but I went ahead and to my surprise everything went fine," he said.

The latest case was reported Tuesday when a 29-year-old farmer in north-eastern Thailand was admitted to hospital for surgery with a severed penis, claiming that his wife kicked him.

The couple had fought, she then denied his requests for sex and kicked him when he complained, according to his account to doctors. Such was the length of her toe nails, she severed his penis.

Thai psychologist and media commentator Doctor Wallop Piyamanotham said the practice stemmed primarily from the outlawed, but flourishing, Thai habit of keeping secret wives.

"Before a man could have many wives but later we followed the western law of one man one wife, but men still act the same and have many wives so the only revenge open to the wife is to cut off his penis," Wallop said.

"Very few of these men have sex with their main wife and this leaves her feeling sexually unimportant and the only joy they have is getting him to come home and spend more time with his family," Wallop said.

The phallus also plays a special role in Thailand as a symbol of personal vigor and prosperity, and carved wooden and stone phalluses are found everywhere from shop fronts to ship prows.

Wallop said this special symbolism also made it a prime target for a vengeful partner.

"It's not just about being practical and getting his mind off sex, it is like a symbol of potency so they cut off his power," said Wallop.

In another reported case in Thailand this year, a bloodied Preecha Nasomyon, 31, was found by neighbours after he had an argument with his wife over an extramarital affair.

The fight ended with Preecha's privates being nearly completely severed by a large kitchen knife.

The distraught man refused to press charges against his wife and had his penis successfully re-attached by Thailand's experienced surgeons.

Dr Surasak said despite the damage done to patients such as Preecha, the recovery rate is surprisingly high.

"The operation success rate is 100 percent but I think only about 50 percent can again experience normal reliable function again," he said.

"The wife of one recovered patient complained her guy made love to her four to seven times a night and was waking her up at all hours because it only lasted two to three minutes," said Surasak with a resigned shrug, adding "we do our best."

According to the surgeon there are no solid numbers on how many Thai victims there have been because embarrassed patients, including some public figures, always seek discreet doctors, or disappear immediately after treatment.

He said it was now possible to make replacement penises from arteries and skin taken from other parts of the body that could be inflated with pumps, but warned men who insist on being unfaithful to follow a few golden rules.

"If you have a mistress they (wives) will get mad and cut it any time, so make her very happy, always carry a thermos to put it in and keep the name of a good doctor close by," he said. - AFP

Real Case. 30.01.2020. Pakistan. Woman Cuts Off Rapist's Penis As He Tries To Attack Her Inside Her Home

The woman fought back after the intruder, who was reportedly a neighbour, broke into her home in Faisalabad, Pakistan, on January 30.

A woman bravely sliced off the penis of a man who attempted to rape her in her home.

Police in Pakistan said the attacker got into his victim's home while she was alone and tried to carry out the sickening sex assault.

She said the 28-year-old man attempted to overpower her after breaking in.

He is thought to have been a neighbour who was due to marry another woman, according to Assistant Superintendent of Police Jaranwala Bilal Sulehri.

The woman ran to the kitchen to fetch a knife, which she used to cut off the attacker's genitals.

He was rushed to hospital in Faisalabad, in the east of the country.

Police spokesman Mohamed Ilyas told the DPA news agency that the man's penis had been cut off during the attack.

The would-be rapist was released from hospital yesterday, according to reports in Pakistan.

The woman has not been arrested, and an investigation into the incident, which happened on January 30, is ongoing.

According to reports in Pakistan, she and the attacker knew each other.

Human rights groups say hundreds of women are raped in Pakistan each year - but many do not come forward and weak laws mean rapists often go unpunished.


Caso Real. 30.01.2020. Paquistão. Mulher de 25 anos Corta o Pénis do Vizinho de 28 anos que a Tentou Estuprar em Casa

Vítima teria pego faca na cozinha durante ataque na sua própria casa

Uma mulher cuja identidade não foi revelada cortou o pénis dum homem para se defender duma suposta tentativa de estupro no Paquistão. A jovem de 25 anos estava sozinha na sua casa na província central de Punjab quando o acusado entrou e iniciou o ataque.

A vítima, em depoimento à polícia, disse ter pego a faca ao escapar para a cozinha na hora da agressão. Segundo o Daily Mail, foi neste momento em que ela decepou o órgão sexual do homem.

O suposto agressor, de 28 anos, foi encaminhado às pressas para o Hospital Civil da cidade vizinha de Faisalabad para tratar os ferimentos. Ele já foi liberado.

De acordo com Jaranwala Bilal Sulehri, superintendente assistente da polícia, o homem estava de casamento marcado com outra pessoa e conhecia a vítima.

Uma investigação sobre o caso foi aberta pelas autoridades locais.

Ainda segundo o "Daily Mail", anualmente centenas de mulheres são vítimas de estupro no Paquistão, mas os agressores muitas vezes saem impunes devido à legislação fraca e à relutância das vítimas em seguir em frente com a denúncia.

Dados mostram que entre 70% a 90% das mulheres enfrentam algum tipo de abuso doméstico durante a vida naquele país. Lá, o estupro conjugal é um crime frequente.


4 de fevereiro de 2020

Casos Reais. As Tailandesas Cortam as Pilas dos Maridos Infiéis!

Fervidos, atados a balões, mandados aos animais ou atirados ao lixo: estes são alguns dos destinos que as mulheres tailandesas dão aos pénis dos maridos infiéis, depois de os amputarem! O número de casos é tão grande que a Tailândia é o país n.º 1 em cirurgia reparadora dos orgãos sexuais masculinos.

As mulheres tailandesas esperam que os maridos infiéis adormeçam, à noite, para lhes cortarem os pénis com 1 faca.

O fenómeno levou a que se realizassem vários estudos, uns sobre os motivos sociais por trás da prática, e outros que exploraram até o lado médico da amputação do órgão genital que, como sublinhou o jornal diário britânico The Guardian em 2012, terá começado na década de 70 do século passado.

O diário britânico disse até que a prática "tornou-se moda" na Tailândia. "A mulher tailandesa sentia-se tão humilhada que esperava até que o seu marido adormecesse para rapidamente cortar o seu pénis com uma faca de cozinha", escreveu, ao citar um estudo de 1983.

Em 1998, outro estudo concluiu que o fenómeno se devia, sobretudo, "à humilhação pública que a mulher sentia quando o seu marido tinha uma segunda mulher ou amante". Um outro estudo escreveu em 2008 que até "as mulheres encorajavam-se mutuamente a cometer o ato", classificando-o até como "uma epidemia".

A notícia de 2012 do The Guardian não adiantou números em termos de ocorrência de casos. Contudo, e ao se falar em epidemia, a quantia deverá ser considerável.

Leia 1 artigo da AFP (Agência France-Presse) de 2004:

Tailândia, Campeã Mundial em Transplantes de Pénis

Eles são fervidos, atados a balões, servem de comida para os patos ou simplesmente deitados no lixo: estes são alguns dos destinos que as mulheres tailandesas dão aos pénis dos seus maridos infiéis depois de os amputarem.
A Tailândia transformou-se no país n.° 1 em cirurgia reparadora do órgão sexual masculino e isto não aconteceu por acaso: os casos de mutilação são frequentes no reino. A última vítima, um camponês de 29 anos, foi registrada na terça-feira.
Médicos e psicólogos tentam explicar os motivos dessa violência extrema. A poligamia, oficialmente proibida há apenas cem anos, continua sendo uma tradição muito comum e gera muitos problemas conjugais. Além disso, na Tailândia, o pénis é venerado como um símbolo de poder e de fertilidade, acrescentam os especialistas. Em todos os mercados do país ou nas proas dos barcos, existem vários falos de pedra ou de madeira.
Finalmente, o facto de toda a cozinha tailandesa de respeito contar com um bom número de facas afiadas agrava o problema. No seu consultório, no Hospital Paolo Memorial de Banguecoque, o Dr. Surasak Muangsombot, cirurgião, recorda ter enxertado pela primeira vez um pénis em 1978 e assinala que descobriu rapidamente que essas horríveis mutilações são uma das formas de violência conjugal mais comuns na Tailândia. A sua equipa já operou 33 homens desde o início do ano.
No mesmo período, na Suécia foram registrados "apenas" três casos, nos Estados Unidos dois, entre eles o de John Bobbitt, que após a sua recuperação virou ator porno, e, na Austrália, um.
"Há alguns anos, foram registrados quatro ou cinco casos na Tailândia, e em seguida não se falou mais do tema, mas em seguida acabou por virar quase uma epidemia", diz o Dr. Surasak. Em geral, os especialistas têm pela frente um trabalho difícil, já que as mulheres não ficam mais satisfeitas em apenas cortar o órgão.
"Algumas o fervem, o dão de comer aos patos, o deitam no lixo, o enterram ou o amarram a um balão para que voe", explica o cirurgião. Uma mulher recusou-se a dizer onde o deitou, antes de admitir que ele estava numa fossa sanitária.
"Disse à enfermeira que o limpasse bem e adverti ao paciente que poderia sofrer uma septicemia, mas ele me respondeu: faça o que for possível, se tiver uma septicemia, pelo menos morrerei com o meu pénis", lembra o médico. "Passaram quinze horas entre a mutilação e o enxerto, o que é muito mais do que dizem os livros, mas finalmente tudo correu bem", acrescenta.
O Dr. Wallop Piyamanotham, psicólogo, considera que a amputação do pénis está ligada à bigamia masculina. "A única vingança possível para a esposa é amputar o pénis do marido", já que "poucos homens (bígamos) continuam a fazer amor com a sua esposa", explica.
O Dr. Surasak destaca que o sucesso dos enxertos é notável. "A taxa de sucesso da operação é de 100%, mas acredito que apenas 50% dos homens recuperam as suas funções normais", diz. O cirurgião dá um prudente conselho aos homens que não resistem à tentação da infidelidade: "Se você tem uma amante, a sua mulher ficará louca de fúria e disposta a tudo. Por isso, trate de fazê-la feliz, mas por precaução tenha sempre à mão uma caixa térmica e o nome de um bom cirurgião".

3 de fevereiro de 2020

Women Can Punish Rapists / As Mulheres Podem Castigar Violadores/Estupradores

Women can punish rapists... 

And the punishment can be this: involuntary penectomy!

Watch the Video / Veja o Vídeo:

As mulheres podem castigar os violadores/estupradores... 

E o castigo pode ser este: penectomia involuntária!

Castration in Unknown Movie / Castração em Filme Desconhecido

Watch this video / Veja este vídeo: https://motherless.com/281B99B https://www.heavy-r.com/video/399628/Penectomy_in_Unknown_Movie/ ...